Thank you for joining us at SCOPE Europe, October 2023

SCOPE Europe 2023 at-a glance:

SCOPE Europe, held in Barcelona October 17 and 18, brought together over 500 clinical operations executives, sponsors, Clinical Research Organizations (CROs), and vendors from more than 250 different organizations and 30 countries for two days of insightful programming. The event emphasized the significance of clinical operations in bridging the gap between research and regulatory milestones, encouraging attendees to view their work as a crucial business endeavor.

Featured Talks and Highlights:

Adana Ibrahim on Culture Change: Adana Ibrahim, VP Digital Strategy and Change Management at NovoNordisk, discussed the people-related challenges in implementing innovation. She cited a study revealing that 70% of barriers to innovation are due to people-related issues, like resistance to change and departmental disconnect. Ibrahim emphasized the need for a cultural shift in the industry to promote innovation and collaboration.

Value-Based Outsourcing Panel: A panel discussion addressed the critical ingredients for successful outsourcing partnerships in clinical research. It stressed the importance of shifting from cost-centric outsourcing to a value-based approach. The panel, including experts like Piet Thiesohn and Jason Gubb, highlighted the role of relationships, shared goals, and co-creation of value in building strong partnerships.

ClinEco Platform: SCOPE Europe introduced ClinEco, a novel platform and community designed to connect sponsors, CROs, service providers, and research sites. ClinEco addresses the challenges of vendor selection and relationship building within the clinical research landscape. It functions as a clinical trial marketplace, fostering collaboration and simplifying the selection of partners.

These featured talks and highlights showcase the event's emphasis on the vital role of clinical operations, the importance of culture change to drive innovation, and the practical solutions introduced—such as ClinEco—to enhance collaboration within the industry.

Attendee Demographics

Attendde Demographics - Delegate Type
Attendde Demographics - Company Type